I just recently started playing around with an app using Ember.js. If you are not familiar with Ember.js you should check it out, it is a pretty awesome stack.
My app does not have its own backend, but makes use of publicly available APIs. Because of this I can host it on gh-pages while I get it up and running.
NOTE: This should not be used for production usage, as it may be in conflict with the github TOS.
Anyway, the setup is pretty simple.
First make the production configuration use basePath that the repo will be hosted under. In environment.js:
if (environment === 'production') {
ENV.baseURL = '/repository_name/';
Then add a deploy-gh to package.json scripts:
"scripts": {
"start": "ember server",
"build": "ember build",
"test": "ember test",
"deploy-gh": "./deploy-gh.sh"
And make the deploy-gh.sh:
set -e
git checkout gh-pages
git merge master -m "merge master and prepare to deploy"
ember build --environment production
git add dist --force
git commit -m "deploy to gh-pages"
git subtree push --prefix dist origin gh-pages
git checkout master
also remember:
# make file executable
chmod +x deploy-gh.sh
# create the gh-pages branch if not already existing
git checkout -b gh-pages
At this point just commit changes on master and with a clean working tree do:
npm run-script deploy-gh